
Tuesday, 2 November 2010

poorly sick....

yep, Ebi-kun has succumbed to some dreaded lurgy, I kept him off yochien yesterday so he made daddy a big card then spent 3 hours crashed out on the sofa, later he helped make daddys cake. I don't like to rush him off to the doctor when all he has has a bit of a cold but tomorrow he has his 7-5-3 festival* so we really want him well enough to attend, so it is off to the doc this morning and my work plans for the week have gone straight out the window, oh well, can't be helped.

*more on 7-5-3 later...


  1. Hi Jojoebi,

    I hope Ebikun will get well soon. I can't wait to see the outfit you have picked for him. Oh by the way, I really like the graveyard cake and the nail gun accident with the eyeball. ROFL. They are such a hit that I have been asked to make them. LOL.

  2. thank you!
    he picked his outfit, it is pretty cool!


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