
Monday, 1 November 2010

Playgroup Halloween Party 2010

Despite the typhoon we had a great turn out for the party, Koko and Jack had managed to find a community room for use to use for the afternoon, which was just as well since there were about 35 kids running riot! Actually, they were really well behaved, there were various 'stations' set up for games and activities and we had the kids running some activities by themselves.
 Jack had managed to rescue some pumpkins from work so there was pumpkin carving too, the kids got to do all the dirty work and then the dads moved in and took over the actual carving.
 H-kun was possibly the only scary looking kid, a boy after my own heart, I'm not sure where this dressing up in cute costumes came from but I am on a one woman mission to stamp it out...
 except for this family, who arguably could have been death by cuteness, I didn't manage to get a picture of all three of them together but her baby brother and her big brother were bees too.
 and Ebi-kun, he was just hanging about being a bat.
All in all it was good fun, it took us an hour and half to get there and we had planned to go back to Koko and Jacks for supper but when we came to leave the community building, the weather was even worse so we decided it would be best to head home. Just as well since it took even longer to get back. 
A big thank you to Koko and Jack for hosting a great party.

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