
Friday, 22 October 2010

Going Batty - part III

When I was teaching ESL, I worked at 5 different schools, a different school for each day of the week! Which most of the time was quite good but when it came to holiday lessons is was a bit of a nightmare. For Christmas and Halloween we would have a holiday themed class, lots of games, lots of fun BUT I was expected to decorate each class room before the classes and prep the class, all in one hour and I had a very small budget to do so, I ended up getting it down to a fine art, this one is easy to do and I would make a pile of the them and put them up and take them down for each class.

pile of black paper
clear nylon wire
card to make the template.

 Make a template, find an image with google or just draw it free hand, 
you only need half a bat. Fold the paper put the template on the fold.
 and draw around it. 
 We managed to get three onto one piece of paper.
 Then cut out.
To string the bats together place the wire on the back of the fold and secure with tape.
 Then find somewhere suitable to string them up.
 We have a fan at the top of this space, it is fun to put it on and watch the bats 'fly'


  1. This reminds me of a display at the museum of a school of krill swimming away from fairy penguins and seals... We saw some Halloween theme lollies in the shape of eyeballs a few days ago and my other half said that those were nothing to compare to your scary eyeballs made of hard-boiled eggs. LOL

  2. Thanks Priscilla, I bet the krill looked amazing and erm, thanks to your husband, I never imagined that my fame would come in form of an eggy eyeball....

  3. You probably know this, but just in case. You can fold the paper in thirds (or do a stack of three sheets), staple around the edges of the tracing (the part you will throw away) and cut with sturdy scissors. You can cut out three or more (depending on the thickness of paper) at a time without having to worry about the top sheet sliding around. Someone showed me this trick and it made craft prep for lessons so much faster.

  4. This is super cool. I'm going to do it with my daughter tomorrow!! thanks.


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