
Thursday, 21 October 2010

Going batty - part II

After going to the cave a couple of weeks ago, bats and dinosaurs are very much en vogue in this house right now, so for Halloween he wants to be bat (well that is at the moment, he will probably change his mind 7 times between now and then). Now, back when I was a wee one our Halloween costumes were made from black bin liners or an old sheet! This is a bit posher, but not much.
I didn't do a step by step tutorial but it is pretty easy to do. I got a metre of black vinyl (from Tokyu Hands) and some black elastic. To make the wings I measured Ebi-kun from wrist to wrist across his back and from the nape of his neck to his bum. I folded the vinyl in half and marked the measurements then drew out a half bat wing shape. Then I measured elastic around his wrist, just above his elbow and at his shoulder. Made them into loops and sewed them to the top of the wings. If you have a walking foot or silicon foot use that, it will help the vinyl from slipping.
Clad your little bat in a black outfit and then put the wings on.
Test them for flappability. I need to add some ears to his hoodie.
After the bat pictures he wanted to practice his Punk Rock poses...
Yeah, I am hard!
This is a bit freaky since he is semi-transparent.
A wink or a snarl, I am not quite sure.

and just a reminder, there are bat three part cards to download here.

Looking for some Fun & Fast Ghoulish Halloween Treats?
Grab the ebook and bonus labels pack too!

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