
Friday, 20 August 2010

Space Dinner - Tutorial

This might be the post that pushes someone to call the men with the straight jackets to collect me.
Ebi-kun asked for a space dinner and I now have to address him as astronaut Ebi-kun, I was going to do a muffin tin dinner but then an insane genius idea popped into my head.
Yep, I made a space meal like the astronauts eats and Ebi-kun was so mightily impressed that he asked to call my mom early so that he could show her. (video chat)
What you need:
a ziplock bag
wide straw
sticker with the meal info written on it
food processor

We had some stir-fry chicken and veg leftover from the night before so I warmed it up with some rice and stuck it in the food processor, add a little warm water until the consistence is thin enough to be sucked through the straw - I tested it before constructing the bag.
When you have got it right, spoon it into the ziplock bag, place the straw in and close the bag squeezing out as much air as possible.
Use sellotape to hold the straw in place.
Take a long piece of foil and lie the food bag on it, fold the foil over the bag and then seal all the seams by rolling up the edges, add a bit of sellotape to hold it in place.
Pop the sticker with the food info on the front.
Give it to your budding astronaut.

The meal was still warm when Ebi-kun got to eat it, he doesn't like his food hot so that was just as well. I imagine puddings or fruit snacks would be fun served up like this. It took Ebi-kun quite a long time to finish his meal but he couldn't wait to tell daddy about his space dinner in the morning :o)


  1. ok...that is just stinkin awesome!!! so creative!! i think you just won the mommy of the year award!!!

  2. Wow what a great idea.

    Susie from
    I Just Love That Fabric

  3. oh least actually ate it, or should I say sipped it.

    What an awesome idea though!

  4. LOL! This is an excellent idea:)

  5. lol, what an awesome idea! You are such a fun mom!

  6. haha how very clever! I will bookmark that idea for if we ever have a space craze over at the teacup household!

  7. So clever! I'm inspired!

  8. very cool! We did this at my preschool using instant pudding and milk, and the students got to squish it up right in the ziploc bag, then we cut off a corner and let them suck it out. It was a big hit!

  9. What a fun idea! I featured your post at Please feel free to pick up a "featured on" badge from the tab at the top of my blog!


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