
Friday, 30 July 2010

on turning five...

Of course, the birthday boy was up at the crack of dawn, so we started the day with cake and watermelon, since he had already had a fancy cake I just made some cupcakes with white chocolate robots, nothing like a sugar overload to start the day!
 and here he is in his birthday suit, OK, birthday shorts and 5 t-shirt, I used the freezer paper technique this time and his shorts I whipped up earlier in the week, I love the fabric.
 Then it was off for the big surprise, he had NO idea where we were going, we took him for his first cinema trip - Toy Story 3 in 3D at the IMAX (if you are going to do it, you might as well go right over the top!). I was a tad worried that it might be too much considering we don't watch much TV and our TV is about as big as a computer screen. But, he loved it, he did want to sit on my lap for the scary bit apart from that he was fine and then said that we should go there every day! 
 We had some lunch at the mall then came home to finish opening his presents and then playing with Lego. His main present was the Lego castle and he was also given a couple of the smaller kits to go with it, it took 3 adults to build the castle, I can see many a battle going on today. Lots of new books, PJs, crafty bits and a weeks worth of T-shirts and a real watch. Thank you for all his presents.
He had requested pizza for dinner, homemade of course and I rustled up and exciting drink....
 it is just coloured ice-cubes and lemonade, I saw it somewhere this last week but I think the original was a cocktail, went down well with the '5' pizza, made with his favourite toppings :o)
A busy day, so I am hoping for a more laid back one today....


  1. Happy Birthday Ebikun!!

  2. That sounds like the perfect birthday - can you come over to the UK and plan my 33rd birthday in January please? :)

  3. Sure! as soon as the tickets arrive I will start the planning...

  4. We went to see that movie as well. The end made me cry a bit. ; )


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