this head cold, that is. It is so draining and I am just not getting any of the things I need to get done even started let alone finished. Although I wanted to curl up on the sofa with a hot cuppa on Tuesday we went into town instead to buy the rest of the yochien things, bento box (has to be metal so it cost a small fortune), 2 cups, spoon, chopsticks etc. We managed to get most of it, didn't find a raincoat but I think we have everything else.
Ebi-kun wanted to go to the cafe that sells Gorgonzola potatoes for lunch, the food is lovely, so off we went BUT they had changed the menu and no more Gorgonzola potatoes, I thought he was going to burst into tears, we ordered fries instead but we weren't impressed, they were no where near as good. On the way home we popped into the foreign food store, Ebi-kun had been pestering for doughnuts but I spotted some Gorgonzola so asked him to choose what he wanted - he went for the cheese, lol, strange child of mine!
Hubby was home early last night, so we went through the lists from yochien again to make sure I knew exactly what I was supposed to be doing, hopefully I will get some cutting out done today, the sewing shouldn't take me that long. I am just waiting for the buttons we ordered from Sarah and I am set, the boys are going to football on Saturday, so I will get a few hours peace :o)
The exciting news is that we have booked the campsite for Golden week, which is the end of April, we are heading up north to Kitakami, which is where I lived when I first came to Japan and where I met hubby. The campsite is near to Tenshochi, which is beautiful in the cherry blossom season, that just so happens to fall around golden week there. There are about 10,000 cherry blossom trees along the river. We will be catching up with old friends and doing a bit of sight-seeing too and of course picnicking under the trees. This also means I need to get a wriggle on with the next quilt!

image from
hope you feel better, been battling strepthroat for a week now, and headaches missed school for a week, feel like I am sick like a dog... not much done here too.... at least i can send Manon off to school to have some rest;) take care GIGI