
Monday, 7 September 2009

Saturday stitching

Way back in March, I won a pattern for a cute EMO/goth doll by Melly and Me, well, it has taken me this long to get round to making it! Daddy-ebi took Ebi-kun off to football practice Saturday which gave me some quality sewing time :o). So her she is...

EMOtional Anna and SeBATstian
She was really easy to put together and the instructions were clear and simple to follow. I picked up some new techniques, which is always good! Even though, when I was reading the instructions I was sitting there thinking 'do what?' But once I had done it, I had one of those 'aha' moments! I made her using bits from out of my stash, another plus. The patterned fabric was given to me by Kym, I am sure when she bought it she didn't think it would end up as a goth doll. My only gripe was that although the requirements on the back of the pattern were in metric and imperial, when I started working through the pattern it was suddenly all imperial, and although I have no problem using inches, I grew up using both, I don't have anything in the house with inches on it, Japan is very much a metric country. So I had to sit and convert everything which was a bit of a pain. That said, I loved the pattern and the doll is mine, all mine, just need to find a home for her.
And recently the lovely Melly gave away a cute stitchery doll pattern. My gran, great-grandmother and great aunt were all excellent at embroidery, My gran would say that you could tell how good someone was by looking at the back, if it looked as neat as the front then you were doing a good job. I'm not quite there but I am always thinking about it when I embroider, it's not too shabby though :o) (the one on the right is the back LOL)

She did start out with the intention of being made into a doll but she ended up as a bag.....
So, if you haven't made it to Melly's blog yet, get over there, she has some really cute patterns and a book, not only that, she has a talented sister too, Rosie, who designs lovely fabric.

The final thing I made was a new basket cover for my bike, the last baa-chan-silver-revolting-thing finally fell apart and when I saw this funky material last week I had to get it, it is the fabric you use to make umbrellas with, it wasn't as bad to sew with as I expected and I am very happy with my funky new look.
Ebi-kun is enjoying the football practice and I am enjoying the bit of 'me' time, Ebi-kun has been really hard work the last few weeks, tantrums ahoy, John McEnroe has nothing on this kid. I used to be able to judge when we were about to have a meltdown but these come out of the blue and seem to be over nothing, by the end of the week I need a break! Anyway, I am hoping daddy-ebi is happy to keep taking him off on a Saturday, I can get so much more done!

1 comment:

  1. Oh WOOOOOOOOWWWWWW!!! Your Anna is just adorable and you must be so unbelievably proud of her!! She is stunning and I thank you so much for sharing her with us!! JUST TOO CUTE!!


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