I hope you are not bored with all this knightly work we have been doing! There is more to come. I made Ebi-kun a set of Montessori style 3 part cards using quality pictures, there are 24 cards in the set and the vocab covers castle and knights. For those new to 3 part cards, you have 2 sets of cards, the first is a picture with a label the second is the same picture but the label is cut off to make 2 cards. They can be used in a variety of ways, until recently we have been matching just the pictures but in the last few months Ebi-kuns reading has really come on so now he matches the word and pictures cards then uses the labelled card as the control of error. He can also manage to do the whole set of cards in one go now....

He looks so serious when he is working, my mom says he looks like his dad when he is concentrating (and me when he is up to no good!). You can get the PDF file here. Here is a sample of the cards but it also contains much, much more....

I made quite a few things to go with this 'unit' so I have added most of them to the file. Since Knight has a silent K we concentrated on silent K words and I made up a picture/word matching game. The words are on scrolls and the pictures on shields.

There is also a gameboard, you will need markers and a dice. The shields have different instructions on them, go back because of..., go forward because... we are working on losing gracefully and he is getting much better. We have never let him win every time but we have had the odd paddy because he didn't win.

I also made up a picture of a castle that needs labelling, I laminated this cards so he can practice more than one. I have noticed that if something needs labelling, he will do it once and it gets filed away, never to be seen again. I am hoping this will give him more writing practice. There is also a fully labelled version as a control of error card.

What else is in the pack? A poem, 'For want of a nail' which I made into cards, the student can put the poem together then check their results on a full version of the poem. A poster with the rules of chivalry (rather adapted) and some empty scrolls so that you can write in your own 'quests'. I did put it a lot of time making up all these things so I decided to put them on Lulu, download knights and castles here.
It's not all been knights stuff here, we have been doing some gold bead work along with some crafty stuff, so many posts to write, so little time...
and thank you for all the MTD love xxx
Those are awesome ideas :)
Thank you for sharing this idea with us! I think that my son could really get into learning about knights and castles so I'm going to give it a shot.