
Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Item of the Day

I am trying a new method with my shop, I usually upload everything in one go but this time I am going to feature an item a day, either fabric or what I have made. Each day this month I will upload and item a day to the shop. Today it's the super cute lego print, it is by Kokka so the fabric is a nice weight, great for bags and the such like. They only had the grey version the last time I went but this caught my eye and Ebi-kuns when he saw it, needless to say it didn't all quite make it to the shop...

If you want a sneak peak of what else will be making it's way into the shop - and yes, you can pre-order then you need to sign up here ;o)

1 comment:

  1. That is pretty fabulous material there.. looks just like legos!!!


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