
Monday, 24 August 2009

MTD - faces

I actually remembered to check what the theme was this week BEFORE I made the MTD. So this weeks theme is people/faces, although I did check the theme it was after we went shopping so I didn't get anything special - just adapted what was in the fridge.

On the plate are tortillas, I cut circles from a big one (we didn't have any bread or time to make pizza base) and in the muffin tins are weiners, pepper - purple pepper at that! cucumber, somen noodles, tomato and okra
He had some sauce for his somen but decided to eat the rest as it was - after making faces with it all that is :o)
If you want to join the Muffin Tin Dinner carnival, pop over to Her Cup Overfloweth to see what is happening.


  1. Raw okra? Ugh, can't stand it! Great eyes though :)

  2. I don't like it either, revolting stuff, the men in the house love it though!

  3. they look really cute... and yummy

  4. These are adorable--your ideas are always creative, fun, colorful and healthily yummy too!

  5. I love this idea...they look so yummy!

  6. wow! So creative! I wish I would have thought of that!

  7. very creative!!! i love it and plan to try it sometime

  8. Really cute idea! Love the faces. :D

  9. Cute little faces, never thought of using Okra..they made really cool eyes!

  10. I love how you used the tortilla as a face template!! Fantastic job as always!

  11. So creative! Love all those faces. Stopping in from MTM!

  12. The meals that can be done with stuff that is already in the fridge are the best!

  13. I Love the wieners for noses! Too Cute

  14. We had a similar idea. I love that you cut up the tortilla into smaller ones to give them more faces to make. Genius! :)

  15. Oh my gosh, I thought I was original putting Munchkins lunch in those little silicone muffin thingies ... shows what I know, there's a whole blog carnival going one!!!!


Thank you!
I love hearing from you and if you haven't joined us in Moms That Rock, come on over!