
Thursday, 20 August 2009

Getting back into maths and free download

I dug out my maths folder yesterday and tried to work out what we should be doing next, when I first did the Montessori course I was really impressed with the maths section, it seemed so logical to me but now several cobwebs have cluttered up my brain and I am having trouble working out what I should be doing. I decided that first we should so some review, the maths equipment has been pretty much ignored over the last few months and much of it is in boxes in the cupboard - hardly surprising it hasn't been used.
We did the coloured bead stair, he has done this before but a review wasn't going to hurt.
Then I made the hundred board, you can print the tiles from here and the board/grid here. Just print onto card. If you print a second grid you can use it for writing the numbers in.
I used an empty egg carton to put the sets of 10's numbers in 1-10, 11-20 etc. and Ebi-kun placed the numbers in the grid, these would be better on wood as they are less likely to get knocked out of place, he got annoyed a couple of times when he accidentally messed it up. Once the board is complete 1 -100 the child can write the numbers in by themselves.

Now I need to figure out what to do with all these beads....


  1. I have a Xyron machine to make stickers with re-usable sticky. I wonder if that would help with keeping the numbers in place?

  2. thanks for the free download. just printed it.
    And, for what it's worth, I wouldn't feel guilty about not responding to awards. We've all only so much time...If you only have an hour to blog, I'd rather read about Ebi-kun, Japan, crafts, etc... :)

  3. nopinkhere - that sounds like a handy gadget, I am sure that would work.

    Julie - thank you xxx

  4. Great material, but the grid in red is a 9x10 grid instead of a 10x10. At least that's what I see.

    Great blog, thanks for all you share!

  5. Thanks Vaca for pointing that out, don't know how I managed to do that. I just fixed it though.


Thank you!
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