
Sunday, 31 May 2009

and we're off.....

I doubt I will  get chance to log in again before we fly, so I will see you the other side of the world, Ebi-kun is super excited and driving me slightly bonkers.

Whilst we are away it looks like we might be fitting a wee trip to Barcelona in, so, do any of you have any Barcelona tips - my brother lives there so the main sights will be covered. But if anyone knows any cute shops/craft/fabric stores, please point me in the right direction :o)




  1. If you love shoes like I do, Casas is a fab place, it is located at Les Ramblas 125

    And Forvm Ferlandina for Jewelry.... the address is Ferlandia 31

    One of the best places to eat is at Botafumeiro and Jaume de Provença. These I remember because I had a hard time finding them.. lol

  2. If you like knitting, you can visit All you knit is love or Barcelana. They are really cute yarns shop. Near Barcelana it is clothes and fabric museum.

  3. Hey!! If you want to mett us I leave mi phone on your mail ok.

    In Barcelona the "parc de la ciutadella" is great!

    Buen viaje!!

  4. I hope you have a fabulous time. Don't forget to take lots of photos and blog about them.


Thank you!
I love hearing from you and if you haven't joined us in Moms That Rock, come on over!