
Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Egg decorating - part 2

More eggs!
I am all for making life easy and one of the problems with eggs is that they don't sit still. We have been trying lots of new techniques this year and we did some blown eggs.
Easy egg holder.

What you need:
a cardboard box
wooden skewer
blown eggs (to blow an egg make a hole in eag end with a pin - I like to use a push pin, wiggle a needle or pin into the middle then blow the through one end, keep the egg to use for dinner)
scraps of paper and/or fabric
watered down white glue

First, remove the flaps of the box then you need to make a small cut about 3" from the corner, do this on both sides, make sure your skewer with reach. Thread the skewer through the egg and push the ends into the slits you made in the box. Now your egg is ready to work on.
Paint the egg with white glue and stick on strips of fabric (in this case, we also tried with scraps of paper)
You can keep turning the egg until the whole of it is covered. Now leave it to day, the box will also catch all the drips, more minimal clean up :o)

When it is dry, thread some string through the holes, make a big knot in the bottom and a loop at the top then hang.

This 'tree' was from Ikea on sale for ¥10! (6p /9cents) We also stuck some cherry blossom flowers to it. We have seeds sprouting in the egg cups and if you want to make your own chicks there is a free pattern to download, in the right sidebar, just there ----------->

More eggs tomorrow...


  1. Oh way pretty! I'll be linking to this in my last =( Easter roundup.

  2. Love this craft! I think it would be nice to make a bunch and have them in a nice baskey as a centerpeice for the easter dinner table!


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