No, I didn't secretly give birth over night! Today we made びたよ (Bitayo - the fridge robot) he was quite easy to construct and much easier than real child birth :o). We got a shoe box and a a pile of bits and bobs from the craft draw, painted the box black and then stuck various bits to him, little paper cups were very handy as were pipe cleaners and the new craft knife set my mom kindly send me - Ta Ma!
Shhh it's a secret but Daddy-ebi got tickets for the footie match on Sunday, the opening game for the season, I gracefully declined because it will give me some 'me' time, I am trying to decide exactly what to do, probably sewing, so I need to get some cutting out done - my least favourite part of the process.
Ebi-kun has just informed me that Bitayo gets hungry at the same time as him, so I have to make him dinner too!
And remember the I-spy game? Something beginning with 'cuh', the answer was chairopractor LOL.When we catch the train there is an ad for the local chairopractor, ebi-kun always asks me what the man is doing and he must have remembered the name because hen we went on the train with daddy-ebi that was the one he did, had me in stitches, poor daddy was completely baffled.
He has a thing for big words, he is, as I type wandering round saying 'I am bilingual are you bilingual ______?' (fill in gap with toys name), since I have just explained what it means.

Well it looks like I had better go and make the boys/robots their dinners, don't want a robot throwing a paddy in the kitchen.
Oh yeah, don't forget to sign up for the swap if you have a blog and a joining in (or even if you're not) a mention about the swap would be lovely, cheers xxx
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