- to tidy away what he has been playing/working with
- wash his hands
- get out his placemat
- get out his plate, fork, knife and chopping board
- I get his food out as he can't reach the fridge
- prepares the food (peels and chops a banana, cream cheese and crackers etc) and puts them on the plate
- takes the plate to the table
- comes back to get his drink and then he eats his snack.
- When he is finished he puts everything away.
Initially I gave him a small placemat and just drew with a marker where to put his plate and cup but I have actually got round to embroidering him a mat and he loves it. I will have to make one without the fork bit since he insisted on trying to eat cheese and crackers with a fork the other day!

just found your blog through stepping on trains. i love this placemat! it would be perfect for us as well, since i've been looking to incorporate more montessori activities into our household AND our son is starting to help set the table. can't wait to look through more of your blog!